1. In consultation with HRD prepare attractive brochures, prospectus and handouts for wider publicity.
2. To collect proposals / materials from the Departments, Committees and lecturers to draft Annual plan of activities for the year for publication in the Prospectus.
3. To prepare plan for addressing10th standard, 12th standard , ITI students as a career counseling activity.
4. To place advertise mention news papers , social media regarding admissions as and when permitted by the respective Conveners of admissions.
5. To assist the students and to interact with the parents during admissions
6. To advise the Principal on improving facilities from the feedbacks got from parents and students during admission counseling
7. To file and maintain the records of the admissions and Annual Plan.
8. To issue notifications for Spot admission through JCECEB with the guidelines issued by DHTE & SD.
9. To submit the admissions list to the authorities seem deemed and seeks for their approval.
10. To conduct the Scholarships test/Entrance test of the PRIT Polytechnic.
An Admission Committee consisting of following members is being constituted for the session 2021-22.